The debate: “The music of the revolution – what was the response of the underground scene to the Polish and Russian transformations?” withinthe project “Poland and Russia in the Enlargement” 

Another debate within the project “Poland and Russia in the Enlargement” was held on the 28th of January in a Warsaw club “Powiększenie” (Enlargement). This time the topic of the meeting was the underground music and its reaction to social and administrative transformations in Russia and Poland.

Watch the video! 

Konstanty Usenko – punk, new wave and industrial musician, songwriter, producer, DJ, journalist. His life has been divided between Poland and Russia since childhood. He organises concert tours of Polish bands in Russia and Russian bands in Poland. Nowadays he lives in Kreuzberg in Berlin. An author of the book “Oczami radzieckiej zabawki. Antologia radzieckiego i rosyjskiego undergroundu”. (In the eyes of the Soviet toy. The anthology of the Soviet and Russian underground).

Robert Brylewski – rock and reggae musician, singer, guitarist, composer and songwriter, a leader and a co-founder of punk-rock bands Kryzys and Brygada Kryzys and a reggae band Izrael. He is the co-founder of the band Armia, in which between 1985 and 1993 he was a guitarist.

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