A debate “Culture with passport and without it” took place on the 11 of February 2013. The debate was a part of a project “Poland and Russia in the Enlargement” 

Ivan Vyrypayew, Karolina Gruszka

Participants of the debate:

Ivan Vyrypayev – an actor, a director and a playwright, the Laureate of the “Polityka’s Passport” for the 2012 in the category “Theatre”. In 2013 he will take up the position of the art director of the Praktika Theatre in Moscow.

• Karolina Gruszka – a film and a theatre actress, a laureate of many prizes, for example, “Golden Lions” (highest prize at The Gdynia Film Festival) for the best leading female role (film “Lovers from Marona”, 2005) and the A. Zelwerowicz Award for the best female screen character of the season 2009/2010 for the role in the “July” (Lipiec) directed by Ivan Vyrypayev in the Wola Theatre in Warsaw.

The meeting was chaired by Agnieszka Lichnerowicz, Radio TOK FM journalist.

phot. Andrzej Gałązka

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