“Józef Piłdudski in the eyes of Russians” - lecture of prof. Gennady Matveev, the Moscow State University

prof. Giennadij Matwiejew

A lecture of prof. Gennady Matveev, the Moscow State University “Józef Piłdudski in the eyes of Russians” took place on 12 of February 2013. The lecture was organised in cooperationwith the Warsaw Royal Castle within the project “Poland-Russia. Mutual portrait. Between past and present”.

Prof. Gennady Matveev is a distinguished expert in the field of the history of Poland, in particular – the Russia-Poland relations. He is an author of numerous publications, eg. a monograph “Piłsudski” - the first biography of Józef Piłsudski published in Russian. He is a member of the Polish-Russian Group on Difficult Matters, the Presidential Council for Science and Education and the Russian-Polish Commission of Historians. He was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.

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