The Centre, in cooperation with The Young Election Observers and the Scientific Circle of the Eastern European Studies,  invite you to a debate "EDINYJ" choice?


Wojciech Konończuk – director of the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Team at the Centre for Eastern Studies. A graduate of the Institute of International Relations at the University of Warsaw and Eastern European Studies at the University of Warsaw. He also studied at the State University in St. Petersburg and at the Warsaw School of Economics. Visiting scholar at the Kennan Institute in Washington. Konończuk cooperates with New Eastern Europe and Tygodnik Powszechny.

Jakub Kumoch – political scientist, Europeanist and orientalist, former analyst of the Centre for Eastern Studies, the Polish Institute of International affairs and the Sobieski Institute. He researched the international relations in the Balkans, French foreign policy, EU external activity, and international election observation. In the years 1995-2010 he was a journalist, and, for almost 3 years, a correspondent of Polish Press Agency in Moscow, he was also the deputy head of the foreign department and the supervisor of the national department of Dziennik. Since 2011, he has been an expert of the European Union Election Observation Mission, specializing in observation and analysis of media in electoral processes.

Ernest Wyciszkiewicz – political scientist, since 2016 the director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding. He used to be the Centre’s deputy director, and a coordinator of a program on energy security, climate change and international law at the Polish Institute of International Affairs. He is also an author of many analytical studies, expert opinions, and articles in the field of energy policy of the Russian Federation and the EU, EU-Russia relations, foreign policy of the Russian Federation and international climate negotiations. Editor-in-chief of the Intersection project.

Karol Bijoś – a graduate of the Institute of International Relations at the University of Warsaw and Eastern European Studies at the University of Warsaw. Coordinator of the Young Election Observers project in The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, the aim of which is for 20 young Europeans to monitor the electoral situation in Russia.

Masha Makarova – Russian journalist, editor of the Russian version of portal, cooperates with the For Free Russia Association.

Maciej Zaniewicz – deputy editor-in-chief of the Polish version of portal and the co-host of Teraz Wschód [East Now] broadcast on the Medium Publiczne Radio. A graduate of International Relations and Russian studies at the Jagiellonian University.

Dmitry Oreshkin – Russian political scientist specializing in matters connected to the opposition, engaged in analytical forecasts and geography. He actively took part in the protests in Bolotnaya Square in 2012. In 2014,  he publicly commented on Russia's policy towards Ukraine, on his blog on the website Echo of Moscow's radio. Oreshkin is involved in Movement for Defence of Voters' Rights "Golos".

Lilia Shibanova – former director of the "Golos" Movement, she was officially recognized as a "foreign agent". Currently, Shibanova is an electoral expert in the European Platform for Democratic Elections. Due to the political situation, she does not currently reside in Russia.

Roman Udot – works in "Golos" Movement, an organization fighting for the voters’ rights and fair elections in Russia. A specialist in the statistical analysis of election results. One of the main figures of the "Golos" Movement, an important target for the Russian propaganda. Russian television NTV regularly emits defamatory materials against him. A physicist by training.

Michał Kacewicz – a reporter, commentator, and publicist, working in Newsweek since 2001. His sphere of interests is Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically Russia and the world that was born on the ruins of the former Soviet empire. Kacewicz has visited Russia many times, lived there, and studied Russian culture. He has published two books; a biography of Alexander Lukashenko and of Vladimir Putin. History admirer, interested in everything related to the Cold War and the last years of  Romanov rule. He is also interested in energy and military relations in Europe and the Middle East.


The Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding is a public institution based in Warsaw and established in 2011, working towards enhancing the dialogue between Poland and Russia. We initiate projects that support the dialogue through scientific research, publishing, educational initiatives, public debates, conferences and lectures on Polish-Russian relations, history and culture of both countries. We run the Intersection Project, regularly publishing analyzes and essays concerning political, economic, legal and social changes in Russia and their regional, European and global consequences. The scholarship program for young scientists and the Polish-Russian Youth Exchange program are ranked high on the list of our tasks. We regularly conduct public opinion polls in both Poland and Russia to obtain reliable data on the mutual perception between Poles and Russians.

The Young Election Observers project is run by The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats and supported by Forum Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego Unia Europejska-Rosja. As part of the project, young European observers monitor Russian media, social media, and official information channels via the Internet. The project is part of the Forum’s activities dedicated to electoral education. Since 2015, the Forum has organized two international observation missions to Estonia and Slovakia and has twice observed the elections in Poland, together with the European Platform for Democratic Elections.

The "Golos" Movement is a social organization, which aims to observe the elections and defend the voter’s rights in the Russian Federation. The movement brings together volunteers from various organizations involved in the election observation, some of its members descend from the "Golos" Association recognized as a "foreign agent" by the Russian authorities. "Golos"  is part of the European Platform for Democratic Elections, which unites experts and organizations involved in election observation in Central and Eastern Europe.

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