Concert of Jacek Kazmarski's songs "Wykopaliska" ("Excavations") performed in Warsaw by the actors of Moscow's Teatrium Na Serpukhovke.
Straight from Moscow – a unique concert of Jacek Kaczmarski's songs. Russian translations! New musical arrangements! Glorious performances!

The Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding in cooperation with the Jacek Kaczmarski Foundation organised a unique artistic event – a concert of Jacek Kaczmarski's songs performed by outstanding artists from the Teatrium Na Serpukhovke in Moscow. The programme of the concert consists mainly of those Jacek Kaczmarski's songs, which are connected to Russia in some way. Anyone who at least roughly knows Kaczmarski's work will certainly know that Russia had an important role in it. He drew inspiration from Russian culture – Tarkovsky's films ("Rublow" [Rublev], "Stalker"), literary works ("Obłomow, Stolz i ja" [Oblomov, Stolz and I] based on Goncharov's works), paintings ("Encore, jeszcze raz" [Encore, once again] based on Fedotov's work), and history ("Sen Katarzyny II" [A Dream of Catherine II], "Lekcja historii klasycznej" [Lesson of classical history] and "Wigilia na Syberii" [Christmas Eve on Siberia[) and historical biographies ("Samobójstwo Jesienina" [Yesenin's Suicide], "Zmartwychwstanie Mandelsztama" [Mandelstam's Resurrection], "Pożegnanie Okudżawy" [Farewell to Okudzhava], "Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego" [Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky[). He referred to Vysotsky's work in several of his songs, starting with "Obława" [Manhunt], which he wrote at the age of 17, impressed by "The Wolfhunt" performed by the Russian bard at a closed house concert in Warsaw in 1974.
The "Excavations" concert premiered in Russia on 25 and 26 October 2018, in Moscow (more about the concert here), and the recorded material was released on CD with a volume of Russian translations of the poet's poems.